You can register your camper online by clicking the Register Now link at the top of our website or by calling the camp office with a credit card at 662.547.6169. Registration requires a nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit of $100/week ($250 for Rafting Trips).
The cost varies depending on the specific program for which your camper is registered. Please select your desired program from the Camps menu to view Dates & Rates.
Our price includes all expenses for room and board, activities, daily snacks from the Camp Store, a camp T-shirt and camp picture. There is an opportunity for families to purchase CRS merchandise and snacks on Sundays and Fridays.
For most programs, campers arrive Sunday afternoon and are dismissed the following Friday afternoon. Please see your confirmation packet letter for specific times.
All forms and payment are due two weeks before your camper arrives at camp. If you register after May 24th please send in everything as soon as possible so your arrival experience can be as smooth as possible.
Don’t worry! Forms can be accessed in your household account as well as on the "Forms" page of this website.
Simply visit to visit our photo gallery, which is updated throughout the week with photos from camp. Returning parents will login with their email and password. New parents will click "Need and account or have an invitation code?" and complete the basic form. Check the current parent handbook for the invitation code! Once logged in, the photo gallery is free to view and you'll also have the option to choose a bundle to include bunk notes.
No, any packages received will be held in the camp office for you to pick up on Friday. Campers love to get mail – send cards and letters, and encourage family and friends to do the same. We encourage you to send a letter before coming to camp so that your camper will receive mail early in the week. Or, you may drop off letters during Sunday registration that can be given to your camper throughout the week. Please do not fax letters to the campers through the camp office. Children with a birthday during the current camp week may receive birthday packages (please do not include candy, gum or other food items – they invite ants into our cabins). Yikes!
We consider birthdays a very special event here at CRS. When a camper has a birthday that occurs during the week that he/she is attending camp, he/she can expect to be a celebrity for the day. We provide a cake with candles at lunch, and the entire camp sings! Campers may receive packages on their birthday, excluding any items on the “What NOT to Bring” list. We guarantee to make your child's birthday one they will not forget.
Our Closing Ceremony begins at 3:30 P.M. on Friday afternoon in the Lodge. You will be greeted by staff members that will show you where to go.
Your written permission is required for CRS to release your child to someone else. You may give this to us at check-in or mail it in beforehand.
Do not tell your camper he/she can come or call home if he/she does not like camp. This actually contributes to homesickness and hampers the camper’s ability to adjust to camp life. Our staff will contact the parents of campers experiencing above-average levels of homesickness. Also, if your child is not used to being away from you, give him/her some “practice” overnight stays with grandparents, other family members or friends. Avoid sending letters that tell a camper what is being missed at home; instead, focus on the fun things he/she is experiencing at camp. By the end of the week, they'll be telling you about all the exciting things of their week!
At CRS, we have put a lot of preparation into planning a terrific camp experience for your child. Camp is a break from the distractions of electronics and a time to focus on nature, new friends and new experiences. Also, with the vast technology available on smart phones and other electronic devices, they pose a safety risk to our campers. Thank you for leaving these items at home.
We encourage parents to mark items with the camper’s name – especially towels, shirts, cameras, etc. Campers tend to lose unmarked items. We have partnered with Mabel’s Labels, a company with all types of labels that are colorful, indestructible and fun! Click here to check out their options.
While campers can attend more than one week at CRS, you will need to pick your child up on Friday to hear about all the fun activities of their week and return on another Sunday to drop them off for another round of adventures! Our theme changes each week, so campers attending a second week will find most of the nighttime events, skits, etc. will be completely different from their first week. We are unable to allow campers to stay at camp between sessions.
We keep our campers very busy! Campers are allowed to receive letters and Bunk Note e-mails from their parents. Parents are also able to view pictures of their campers throughout the week in our online photo gallery. Phone communication is not allowed, except for emergency purposes. If the need arises for you to get in touch with your camper, please contact the camp office, and we will assist you.
The deposit of $100 per week ($250 for trips) due with registration is nonrefundable. Cancellations must be received one month prior to the beginning of the camper's session to receive a refund minus the $100/$250 nonrefundable deposit. No refund will be granted for a child sent home during camp for misbehavior, homesickness, or other reasons beyond the camp’s control.
Registration for next summer is available beginning October 1!
Check-in is from 3:00 - 4:20 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Upon arriving at camp, you will be greeted by a staff member who will direct you to through the drive through check in. Note that check in opens at 3:00 p.m. Please wait in your car if arriving earlier. No-show spaces are filled at 5:00 p.m., unless prior arrangements for late arrival have been made. If not arriving, the camper will be replaced by a camper on the waiting list. Due to safety protocols and orientations a camper may not arrive later than 8 a.m. Monday.
Yes! We try to have all preorders ready for pickup on Sundays. If you have not placed an order upon arrival, you can place an order to be delivered to your camper during the week or to be picked up on Friday!
Check the Parent Handbook for the What To Bring (and Not Bring) lists! [Click here] to download the What-to-Bring list.
Campers will sign up in person for their activities during our Sunday night event. This allows campers to become familiar with the various activities we offer, have increased control over their activity selection, order of their schedule, as well as be better able to coordinate their schedule with friends.
Check-in begins at 3:00 p.m. and closes at 5:00 p.m. Arriving at camp, you will be greeted by a staff member who will direct you to the luggage drop-off and give further instructions and information about next steps. No-show spaces are filled at 5:00 unless prior arrangements for late arrivals have been made.
Prescription drugs must be in the original containers and prescribed to your camper. They will be kept in our camp infirmary and dispersed daily by our camp nurse. Nonprescription drugs will be dispensed only under the signed instructions of a parent or physician. Keep medications out of campers' luggage and turn them in to the health supervisor during check-in. The camp infirmary keeps a stock of commonly needed medications, so bringing nonprescription drugs is unnecessary.
We will contact you if your camper requires more than 24 hours of rest in the infirmary or needs to visit the doctor.
During staff training, our staff is taught to be very discreet about bed-wetting. It is handled as a private matter between a chief and the camper. Sheets are removed after the other campers have left the cabin. They are then laundered and returned to the bed before rest time that day.
We offer the option to request that your camper be housed in the same cabin as one specific friend. CRS guarantees to honor one mutually requested cabinmate within one grade of each other. Meeting and making new friends is one of the real benefits of camp! Cabin assignments are not revealed prior to check-in.
Biblical teaching is incorporated throughout our whole camp program. There is morning devotion, an afternoon Bible study and night devotion. Campers have the opportunity to learn Bible verses in all of their activities. Every week, CRS staff puts on a “Passion Play” depicting the life of Jesus.
Our bunk beds are twin size. The under-bed clearance for luggage is 15 inches.
Campers are assigned to cabins based on their age and cabinmate request. If an older camper has requested a younger camper, the older camper will most likely be placed in the younger cabin.
No, but each cabin has a ceiling fan and oscillating fan. The cabins are screened in so that campers get to experience the sights, sounds, and smells God’s creation.
A campfire cookout with CRS's famous camp stew and s'mores is a tradition each week. Cabins with majority of their campers age 10 and up will be sleeping out! Those cabins will be using hammocks instead of tents, so they are welcome to use a blanket or a sleeping bag.
Each trip has a maximum of 12 participants.
[Click here] to download the What-to-Bring list.
Check-in begins at 4:00 p.m. at the Rock Pavillion. Each adventure tripper and his or her parent or guardian must be present for the pre-trip meeting with the trip leaders and program coordinator. This begins promptly at 4:15 p.m.. Please note that parking opens at 3:00 p.m. and no-show spaces are filled at 5:00 p.m. unless prior arrangements for late arrival have been made.
Since the rafting trip leaves Monday morning and returns Friday night, delivering mail to them is not an option. However, you can pack notes in the luggage for a fun surprise!
Camper email is not available to rafters due to the nature of the trip.
The rafters leave early Monday morning and return Friday evening.
Rafters do not need money for meals, transportation or program costs. Many families do choose to send spending money for the purchase of souvenirs at the river outposts. This is optional. There is an opportunity for families to purchase CRS merchandise and snacks on Sundays and Fridays.
Rafters spend the week “unplugged.” Please notice our “What NOT to Bring” list. This is essential to the purpose of our rafting trip. Today, many gadgets and games consume our time and attention. CRS believes it is important to take a break from that and focus on developing face-to-face relationships, learning team building skills directly applicable to your comfort (campsite preparation and set up), and exploring our world hands on!
We use Raft One & Southeastern Expeditions for our rafting adventures.
Every night, the rafters will be camping in tents in gorgeous campgrounds.
CRS takes safety very seriously. It is our top priority. All of our rafting leaders have been trained for the trips. Rafting, rock climbing, caving and repelling are all supervised by certified instructors.
While we have a handful of support staff positions available for those ages 16 or older, our counselor and activity staff must be 18 and graduated from high school.
Most definitely. $150/week if you are in high school and $240/week for college. Cha-ching!
No, camp covers your meals AND your housing!! Pretty Cool!
A free place for laundry, Camp Store discounts, and even Accident and Illness Insurance. On top of that, your younger siblings receive a discount of $100 off a week of camp! That's almost as good as all of the Insta worthy moments and Face Cookie eating!
Counselors live with their campers in our rustic cabins (i.e. non-air-conditioned). Support staff are housed in the Memphis Guest House or other dorm style housing.
Because our summer is only six-eight weeks, we typically only hire staff that can work the full camp season.
UUUUUmmmmmmm....YES! Bring all the costumes! We'll send out the summer's weekly themes in advance so you can get prepared!
CRS is in central Mississippi just off of the Natchez Trace Parkway in French Camp, Mississippi.
YES! We have worked with several college programs so staff receive credit for their work at camp! Check with your advisor to see if this is a possibility for you.
Bosses love to hire former camp staff because of the skills they learn at camp. Serving a summer at camp gives you on-the-job training in problem solving, work ethic, interpersonal communication, team work, and flexibility. It is a hands-on learning environment that not only provides deep spiritual growth, but invaluable life and job skills for any future career.
Absolutely! Each week you will be off from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. In addition, you get approximately two hours of down time each week day.
There are so many, but we'd have to say the amazing Face Cookies that we serve on Hamburger day! (Yes...they are cookies the size of your FACE!)
We are a little biased because we love it all. But honestly, it's the people! The kids are amazing-they live life full out and look up to you learning from your words and actions. The fellow chiefs become "your people" as you walk through life's ups and downs and learn what it means to be a disciple. We are one big family who supports and encourages one another as God stretches and grows each one of us!
Still have questions? We'd love to hear from you! Email us at
Please check the Parent Handbook for the What to Bring (and Not Bring) lists! [Click here] to download the What-to-Bring list.
CIAs - Check-in will be Sunday afternoon! Arriving at camp, you will be greeted by a staff member who will direct you to the luggage drop-off and give further instructions and information about next steps. No-show spaces are filled at 5:00 unless prior arrangements for late arrivals have been made.
Teen Week - Teens will arrive Sunday for Teen Week! Exact times and details will be released with the Parent Handbook in March. Arriving at camp, you will be greeted by a staff member who will direct you to the luggage drop-off and give further instructions and information about next steps. No-show spaces are filled at 5:00 unless prior arrangements for late arrivals have been made.
The TEEN Week and CIA attendees will stay in a cabin that is the same as the camper cabins. Our bunk beds are twin size. The under-bed clearance is 15 inches.
Yes, TEENs are allowed to drive themselves. Car keys and cell phones will be turned in to the camp office during Sunday check-in and are then returned at Friday checkout.
TEEN week is a brand-spanking new way for campers to continue their adventures at CRS! So many grow up at camp and we wanted to create a way for our staff to engage with and really invest in your camper as they become young adults. This week (week 7) will be designed to just that, with special speakers, more in depth bible study, great worship and some oldie but goldie fun at our CRS activities!
TEEN Week is open for all teenagers ages 13-17. Our capacity will only be limited to our bunk bed numbers!
They can register the same as an overnight camper. They just need to click 'Register Here' at the top of our homepage or go to the 'Teen Camps' page to choose the program.
The Camp Intern Adventure program is for teens who desire to grow in their relationship with Christ, are ready to be challenged to lead through service, and just overall love camp! Unlike Teen Week, this program requires an application!
Go into registration and select the "Camp Intern Adventure APPLICATION" session. Please have your potential CIA complete the application IN YOUR FAMILY ACCOUNT. They should receive an email within two buisness weeks!
Does Camp Make A Difference? How camp is more than fun from the American Camp Association
Preparing Your Child for Camp from Christian Camp and Conference Association
God's Great Outdoors by Craig Lomax
Benefits of a Week Outdoors by Lloyd Mattson
Unplugging Our Kids by Steve Baskin
CEO Peg Smith Speaks to Parents on the Importance of Camp:
Forms and Instructions for Your Child's Care
Login to your Online Account to return to pay online, check balance, complete forms, or order waterproof name labels!
For assistance registering or other questions please contact the camp office at 662-547-6169 or
Parent Handbooks and Forms
2025 Parent Handbook!
This handbook will tell you everything you need to know about your camper's week at CRS!
Confidential Form
This form may be completed online. A paper version of this form will be available in March and may be returned to the Camp office by mail or email. Please complete as soon as possible after registration.
Health History Form
This form is available online in the registration portal. If you are unable to complete it online, a paper version of this form will be available in March and may be returned to the Camp office by mail or email. It is critical that we have accurate and up to date health information for your child. Please complete no later than May 1st. **This form is completed by the parent.
CRS will not be requiring a Licensed Medical Personnel/physical form for summer 2025.
Adventure Trip Forms 2025
All Waivers for Trip Activities will be online links -- keep an eye out for the email!
Please return to your online account to complete the Health History Form and Confidential Form!
Camper Scholarship Application
Camp of the Rising Son offers partial tuition assistance through our scholarship program to prospective campers with financial, spiritual and emotional need. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to attend camp.
2025 Scholarship Guidelines and Application!
Please call to request a 2025 On-Line Scholarship Application link: (662) 547-6169.
Or email