Our Mission
Ministry of French Camp Academy
French Camp Academy is a Christian school-home for young people of all ages who need to be away from their family home to live and learn. We offer a safe, stable, healing environment for young people from families in crisis. To learn more, visit www.frenchcamp.org.
Our Values:
As a Christ-centered ministry, a fundamental concept in the formation and operation of Camp of the Rising Son is a firm belief in the dignity of all people as created in the image of God. The Bible serves as the authority for all of our decisions and standards of behavior. Each person deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. We believe God designed people to function in relationship and community through love, truth, and grace as demonstrated by God’s love for us. Differences and unique talents of each individual are part of God’s design for us to function as a body to serve the world around us and bring glory to God.
French Camp Academy & Camp of the Rising Son Statement of Faith
Adopted from The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechism
I. God is the One being existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the Sovereign, the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. God is the source and end of all truth.
II. The Scriptures are the written Word of God, inerrant in their original writings. They are the infallible authority by which He directs and governs all our activities, including the education of our children.
Person and Work of Christ
III. Jesus Christ is the eternally begotten Son of God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He is truly God and truly man. Through Christ’s life, death, resurrection and ascension, He accomplished for His people a decisive victory over sin and death and established His kingdom among men.
IV. God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings, in his own image as a rational, moral, and spiritual beings, equal before God as persons, and distinct as male and female. Man sinned in Adam and fell with him in his first transgression. Man’s fall affected him spiritually, intellectually and physically. Man is restored only by the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit and the cleansing blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ’s Return
V. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory and triumph for the final judgment and the consummation of His kingdom. All those who have truly repented of their sins and have received Christ as their personal savior will be eternally with the Lord Jesus Christ. All those who have failed truly to repent of their sins and have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ will be eternally damned without Christ in a literal hell.
Camp of the Rising Son
Statement of Faith
VI. Marriage is designed by God to be a covenantal, lifelong union of one man and one woman, as husband and wife, and is meant to signify the covenant love between Christ and His bride the church. Christians are called to faithfulness within the marriage covenant and abstinence outside of it.
Camp of the Rising Son makes every effort to meet the highest standards for operating a fun, adventure-packed summer camp program. To promote this standard of excellence, we maintain our accreditation with the American Camp Association®. Being ACA-Accredited® assures parents that Camp of the Rising Son has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond state regulations. We care enough to undergo a thorough (up to 300 standards) review of our operation — including everything from staff qualifications and training to health care, the site itself and food service to emergency management. American Camp Association collaborates with experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross and other youth-serving agencies to assure that current practices at the camp reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp operation. Camps and ACA form a partnership that promotes summers of growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. Camp of the Rising Son makes this extra effort because we are committed to the health and safety of the children we serve.
Camp of the Rising Son is also a member in good standing of the Christian Camp and Conference Association. CCCA provides valuable resources, education and training to equip Christian camps to impact more lives.
Camp of the Rising Son Goals and Objectives
Camp of the Rising Son aims to develop the campers’ interest in outdoor activities as well as teach them new skills. A strong emphasis is placed on encouraging and stimulating creativity. In addition, CRS offers campers the opportunity to develop personal leadership skills, learn more about themselves, and learn how to live with others. It is imperative that we work towards these goals in a way that provides for the safety of our campers, is consistent with a Christian worldview, and is fun.
Camp Goals: Program Objectives:
Personal contact: Emphasize small groups: 12 campers per cabin; 10 campers for every activity instructor.
Spiritual admonition: Provide opportunity for individual spiritual counsel; give example of personal devotions; emphasize the gospel’s bearing on every aspect of life; staff show Christ’s preeminence by our walk and talk.
Responsibility: Campers help in cleaning cabin, in keeping their personal belongings neat and orderly, and in being on time for meals, activities, and meetings; encourage campers to feel responsible for the CRS environment and to exercise good stewardship by picking up litter and by protecting plant and animal life.
Achievement: Campers develop skills in a wide range of land and water activities; exercise personal preference in activity choice; set high standards for awards in these activities; assist each camper in overcoming personal difficulties to reach a goal.
Participation: Encourage all to take part; provide enough variety to encompass and stimulate interests and abilities so that all desire to participate. Focus on enjoyment of participation and not competition.
Creativity: Provide opportunities for campers to think and work creatively through programs and activities; recognize the importance of each camper’s thoughts and ideas; show flexibility within activities and allow each to pursue his/her special interests.
Spiritual development: Demonstrate and encourage a lifestyle of submission to God and thankfulness for his provision in dependence on Christ, being conformed into his likeness as he is revealed in the Bible.
Physical development: Develop enjoyment of camping and outdoor living; provide a wide variety of opportunities for campers to broaden their interests in physical activities; allow each camper to develop skills at his or her own pace and to attain excellence in activities of his or her own choice; provide ways for campers to build muscular control and coordination. Challenge, but never ridicule each camper. Safety, always a primary concern, does not exclude challenge.
Social development: Help campers learn to live with, understand, and empathize with others; help foster friendships among the campers; develop personal leadership skills as well as the willingness to be a contributing member of the group or team; introduce each camper to the world as a community of human beings, not all of whom are similar to one another, but all of whom must be lived with, treated with respect, understood, sympathized with, and helped.
Mental and emotional: Nurture in each camper the ability to face life’s daily challenges and to address the problems s/he faces; direct the camper to seek solutions in God’s Word; guide the camper toward a mature understanding of himself/ herself.
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Carrie Browning Chief Operating Officer
Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Carrie comes to us from Kosciusko, MS. A graduate of both Ole Miss and Vanderbilt, she majored in English and French as well as Secondary Education. One of her more exciting job perks is getting to test out new activities, like the zip lines and archery tag! But she mostly looks forward to staff training every year. “A group of strangers becomes family over the course of 10 days and then we see the camper’s eyes light up as the staff make camp happen.” Having attended camp as a child and worked since 1994 in various roles, she has gained many memories. Still, her favorite is stopping and taking in the stars over Lake Ann on a clear night, marveling at God’s amazing creation.
Over the years, her husband, Greg, and three daughters, Katie Grace, Emalee and Olivia have adopted camp in their own right. Greg, first serving on Support Staff alongside Carrie, later became and still serves as the camp Doctor. All three girls have grown up attending camp, serving behind the scenes, and finally earning the official title chief working as summer staff. .
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Anna Warren Farm and Horse Manager
Col 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
Anna hails from Senatobia, MS. She attended Mississippi State University, working on the Kitchen Krew at CRS during her Summer breaks. She has worked full time as the Program Coordinator before moving to her role as the Farm and Horse Manager. Her favorite camp memories are the (what seem like) constant dance parties and building lasting relationships with the campers and other staff. You can usually find her spending time with her husband, John, and daughter, Millie, or in the woods on a trail ride. |
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Kanen Robbins Camp Manager
Kanen Robbins joined the CRS year round team as the Camp Manager to take care of the facilities and grounds. Originally from Red Bay, Alabama, Kanen completed his Associate of Applied Science in Forestry Technology degree through ICC. Kanen and his wife Lela have previously served on summer staff and have a love for sharing the gospel through the outdoors. Kanen likes working with his hands, camping out, and creating recipes with edible plants. He keeps the camp grounds and facilities in tip top shape with a huge servant's heart. Lela enjoys serving in the FCA bakery making the famous French Camp bread. She also serves as Sous Chef in the CRS kitchen in the summers!
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Dwayne Doyle and Melissa “Missy” Doyle Camp Director and Camp Office Manager
Dwayne and Missy joined CRS team as the Camp Director and Camp Office Manager in August of 2024. They come to serve with CRS from many years of camping, ministry, and mission experience. Having served as Camp Directors in Kentucky, Illinois, and in overseas settings, in addition to Pastor, mission mobilizers, and cross-cultural church planters in the Unted States, they seek to use their lives to lead people to a deeper understanding of God’s Love for the world through his son. They look forward to utilizing their life experiences of living overseas and various places in the states to lead well. They are excited that they have the opportunity to do this with their son and two daughters. |