Teen Camps

summer camps

Teen Camps 

(scroll down to see all options)


Camp Intern Adventure (CIA)

Ages 13-17



Wk 1 - June 9 - 14

(girls waitlisted)


Wk 2 - June 16 – 21

(girls waitlisted)


Wk 3 - June 23 – 28


Wk 4 - June 30 - July 5 (Fireworks Week!)



Teen Week

Ages 13-17



Wk 7 - July 21 - 26


Adventure Trips

Ages 14-17



Girls Trip 1:  June 9 - 14


Boys Trip 1:  June 16 - 21 



Girls Trip 2:  June 23 - 28


Boys Trip 2: June 30 - July 5



Exciting Adventures for teens!

Camp Intern Adventure (CIA)! 


The CRS Camp Intern Adventure program is for teens ages 13-17 who desire to grow in their relationship with Christ, are ready to be challenged to lead through service, and just overall love camp!  As a part of a select group, CIAs spend the week unplugged in the outdoors working with incredible camp staff to serve the campers. There are times for building relationships and recreation as well as times to study God’s Word and grow in your personal faith. CIAs will leave camp with a better understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what it takes to make the CRS magic for our campers! CIA s will also have opportunities to play and grow together through activities and games just for them!


Jump into camp and team up with your cabin mates to experience camp from a different perspective!  This mash-up consists of some of your all-time faves of camp with a hint of what we do behind the scenes!


Some things to look forward to:

  • Still technology free
  • Deeper personal & group Bible studies
  • New amped up games!!!
  • Worship
  • Oldie but goldie activities
  • Building relationships with like minded teens


Please note that CIAs will spend time daily in service work such as cleaning, grounds, or kitchen help.  There will still be plenty of time for enjoying fun activities and games as well as building relationships! We are seeking applicants who are growing in their faith in the Lord and are willing to maintain a great attitude while working hard to serve others. There are a limited number of spots available each week .


Admission to the CIA program is competitive and requires an application.  Application form is available in the online registration portal.  To apply, the parent needs to add the "CIA Application" Session to the cart and on the "forms" section, have the teen complete and submit the application form.  Camp will not be able to access applications that are not completed and submitted. No payments are required for application.     


Quotes from former CIAS

CIA Application Checklist


Application review begins November 1 in order of submission. Applicants can expect to be notified within two weeks of submission of application. $100 deposit required to reserve the spot after the CIA has been notified of admission. 

**CIA weeks begin on Sunday afternoon and conclude Friday afternoon.


As a service opportunity, CIA participants are eligible to receive 30 - 40 service hours for their work at camp!  Contact the office for needed documentation.  

Teen Week! Week 7 ONLY!


Mark your calendars for July 21st-26th!*
The Teen Week program is for teen ages 13-17 who are looking for a fun, revamped version of summer camp! Unlike the CIA program, this program does not require an application.  This program will be filled with team building, next level activities, free time activity slots, and in-depth worship and bible study time. 
We will also be allowing teens to pick an Activity Track!  Campers will spend two hours each morning involved in their activity track.  The afternoons will offer campers the chance to rotate through a variety of fun activities! 


View the 2024 tracks below: 

  • Crafts 
    •    Let your imagination run wild with more complex art, pottery, and other unique crafts for our creative brains! 
  • Fun and Games  
    •      Sports, challenges, and endless possibilities of games! 
  •  Horses
    •   Take to the trails and improve your riding skills with your favorite horses!                                                                                                                          
  • Challenge Course 
    •     This track will entail the rock wall, low ropes elements, ziplines, and more! 

Everyone will have the chance to enjoy CRS favorites like time at Lake Ann, the pool, and camp stew over the fire as well as fun new traditions just for CRS teens!                                                                                                                 

Space is limited, so don’t wait to sign up! We’d love to see you at Teen Week 2024 for a week full of adventure and growth!     


*Teen Week is scheduled to start Sunday and end Friday in 2024!                                                         


Rafting Adventure Trip

(Ages 14-17, 12-14 campers per trip; separate trips for guys and girls)


Adventure Trips for boys & girls ages 14-17 is an exciting, week-long expedition to the Great Smoky Mountains. Campers set up their hammocks and explore the beautiful outdoors while learning more about God’s creation. Some of the highlights of these trips include whitewater rafting sections III and IV of the Chattooga River, conquering a high-soaring canopy challenge at Raft One Ocoee River Outpost, camping at Blackrock Mountain State Park, and spending the night on the rushing river!

Consider spending a week unplugged working together to overcome challenges, creating lasting bonds with one another, as well as learning new survival and camping skills! 

*Due to the nature of these trips, capacity is limited.




2024 Trip Dates:  $715/trip

Girls Trip 1:  June 9 - 14

Boys Trip 1:  June 16 - 21 

Girls Trip 2:  June 23 - 28

Boys Trip 2: June 30 - July 5


*Each trip is scheduled to end on Friday afternoon.








Yes! We have financial assistance available. Click HERE for a scholarship application!

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